Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Allergies + Eye Infection =

2 shots later and a lab draw I can see a little better out of my eye but now I have the case of the sore butt.....it NEVER ends! I finally get Raylee well and now I am going to pot......

Monday, April 6, 2009

Good times......

We took Raylee to the zoo for the first time on Saturday. She loved it. She just looked around at everything. It was a toss up between what she liked the most....looking at the people or the animals. We cant wait to take her back next year when she is a little older and will know more of what is going on. We really had a good time with her and look forward to taking her new places and seeing her reaction to them.

She has really become a mama's girl here lately. She doesn't even like for me to get out of her sight. Saturday night she would not even go to Gama. I gave her to my mom and when and fixed a bottle and she pitched a fit. Sometimes she even has little to do with Billy. I am sure it is just one of many phases that she will go through.

Overall she has been doing really well. She had to go to the doctor last week for a sinus infection and allergies but she seems to be better.

See....she CAN hold her own sippie cup......she just chooses NOT to most of the time!
Hanging out with Gamma at the doctors office

Ready and waiting to go to school
This is her painting that my sister in law, Emily, did to match Raylee's room. It is SO cute! They pictures do not do it justice. We just love it! Thanks Aunt Emily!

Saturday afternoon we also took Raylee to Bass Pro to see the fish and visit the Easter Bunny for the first time. She really enjoyed it.

This was her reaction to the water fall.....
Her 1st picture with the Easter bunny

Looking up at the big fish tank. we are going to have to get her an aquarium. she loves them!
Hanging out in her stroller at the zoo....

What is that mama?

Look at me....look at me!
Family pic at the zoo

Showing mama some love
riding the train
Mama's girl

Showing mamaw some love....