Thursday, April 7, 2011

Raylee's crafts

I don't think I officially announced that we took Raylee out of the the daycare that she has been going to since she was 8 weeks old and put her in a pre-school in Pearl. This came after much thought, consideration & prayer. Everyone that knows Raylee knows that she is one strong willed little girl. We felt that she needed a structured & educational environment. We researched several different preschools & their curriculum's and finally decided on one. She was not supposed to start until the end of May but due to a series of events we made the decision to go ahead and move her now. There are no hard feelings with the old daycare and they will forever hold a special place in our hearts for caring for our sweet girl for 2 1/2 years! She is slowly but surely adjusting to her new preschool. Every day seems to get a little easier. She still cried some this morning but for the first time this week I didn't! YAY me!!! The mama in me hates leaving her crying but I know that this place is the best place for her and we have made the right choice. I know she has not even been there a week but I am AMAZED at what she has learned and some of the stuff she is doing! Monday when I picked her up there was a "news letter" from her teacher telling us what they will be talking about and learning this week. In the newsletter it gave some tips on how we as parents could help our kids by discussing some of the things with them in car on the way to school or in the tub etc.... This week they are learning about grass. Tuesday while we were riding down the road out of no where I asked Raylee what color is grass. Normally when you ask her things like that she says "blue", everything is always blue. Well this time she said "green"! I was so amazed! I realize that there are probably other kids her age that would have already know this and she is a little behind but I am still so proud of her! She has only been there 2 days (at that time) and she is already learning!!! Here are a few things that she has done this week.......
She made this on Monday! Billy & I are so proud of it.

I think it is very frameable....don't you?

She did this on Tuesday!

She did this on Wednesday. They went outside & picked grass

and taped it to the sheet of paper and they call it a

"grass viewer". It is really cute and she is

really proud of it!
At this point I realize what a goob I sound like getting all excited over this kind of stuff. Her teacher said that she REALLY enjoys the activities that they do and things that they make. Maybe she will be just like her mama and be crafty! Not only have we notice that she is learning but there has also been a change in her behavior. She has been in the best mood when I pick her up in the afternoons. We laugh and talk the whole way home. In the past she would start whining and crying from the time I picked her up until she went to bed. We come home and she plays while I cook dinner. She sits at the table and eats her dinner like a big girl. She still doesn't like bath time very much. She wants to get in, get bathed and get out. When it is time to settle in for the night it doesn't take her long at all to go to sleep. I guess she is just so tired from all of the excitement during the day that she is just pooped! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we continue to make this transition.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Here we go.....

Here are a few pics of Raylee as she is going into her new school Monday morning. I have a few more but for some reason it wont let me upload them. I have been trying since Monday night so I decided to just post what I have.
Would you hurry up! You are embarrassing me!

Oh my!!!! She is still at it!! Yes, notice the tutu. She HAD to wear it! No outfit is complete without one.
Sigh..... tear.....sigh.... my baby is growing up way to fast!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tears, tears and more tears.....

September 6, 2008

Raylee's 1st day of daycare

April 4, 2011

Raylee's 1st day of Pre-School

We were all smiles when this picture was taken this morning, however, it was short lived. She did great getting out of the car this morning and walking in. She got really shy as we walked into her classroom. She cried for a little while, Billy cried for a minute and I cried all day and as I am typing this blog...haha! I only called 8,000 times to check on her but all in all she had a really good day! She ate great. She played great and took a great nap. When I walked in to pick her up she ran up to me and shouted "I pee peed in the potty today." She was so proud of herself! Then she started telling me all of the great things that she did today. She was talking so fast and was so excited. We felt all along that we were making the right choice for her and this was conformation. Hopefully tomorrow morning will go smoothly and with less tears.