Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dollar General Run.....

So tonight I hit the Dollar General in Puckett. Don't judge! I have become quiet fond of the Dollar General. So fond that I went there earlier in the week to pick of the few grocery items that we needed for the rest of the week. I cant handle wal-mart anymore. I'm getting to old!

Before I went I checked our inventory to see what we needed & then I looked over my coupons to see what I had. I so felt like my great grandmother. Bless her little ole heart, I have a few childhood memories of going to the grocery store with her. She had this coupon organizer envelop and wouldn't buy an item if she didn't have a coupon for it. Seriously! One day she kept getting her coupons mixed up for items she already had in her buggy versus the coupons for items that she still needed to put in her buggy. She would take a couple of steps & stop, take a couple of steps & stop. With every stop she kept getting more & more frustrated! I finally asked if I took the coupons from her for the items that she already had in her basket and she yelled "NO, I will hold them" and snatched them out of my hand. Yes, she SNATCHED them out of my hand. She was a little pistol! Anyway, I got WAY of course there, but I planned the items out that I was going to get to help save time when I got in the store. It did help that I went ALONE so I didn't have to constantly say "No Raylee, Sit down, Please don't throw that out of the buggy"....etc..... I followed in the steps of my great grandmother and every item that I purchased I had a coupon for. If yall come over to my house and see little things wrapped up in paper towels & rubber bands please stage an intervention and FAST!!!!!

These are the items that I got.
It doesn't look like much until you start adding up what the regular prices are!
I had (2) $5 off a $25 purchase coupons that I had gotten from an earlier purchase in the week. To use both coupons I split the items up into 2 transactions so that each one totaled at leasat $25 .

Transaction #1

Crest Toothpaste $3.25 $1.00 coupon
Huggies Wipes $2.50 .75 coupon
Huggies Diapers $10.00 $3.00 coupon
Angel Soft Toilet Paper $6.50 .50 coupon
Frebreze Fabric Freshener $5.00 .75 coupon

$5.00 off $25 purchase

Total in products: $27.25

Total in coupons: $11.00

Total out of pocket: $16.25

Transaction #2

Clorox Wipes $2.50 .35 coupon
Clorox Toilet Cleaner $2.00 $1.50 coupon
Febreeze Spray $2.75 $1.00 coupon
Glad Trash Bags $5.00 .75 coupon
Tide w/Febreeze $6.00 $2.00 coupon
Cover Girl Eyeliner $3.50 $1.00 coupon
Cover Girl Mascara $4.75 $1.00 coupon

Total in products: $26.50

Total Amount in Coupons: $12.60

Total out of pocket: $13.90

Grand Total out of pocket: $30.15

Grand Total Saved: $23.60 That is a 44% SAVINGS!!!!!!

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