Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Going Private.....

Just want to let everyone know that in a couple of days our blog will be going private. If you would like to follow us and keep in touch send me your name & email to KimberlyIReed@Bellsouth.net and I will add you to the list of people who will be able to view it. Its really sad that people have to go to such great links to keep "haters" & jealous people that have nothing but evil intentions out of their lives.

Also, last night I deleted my facebook page. I have been thinking about it for a while and I finally got fed up and just did it. I have had several people text and ask me not to do it because they love all of my pictures and my comments. I hated to do it but it was what I had to do and what is best for me right now. For those true friends that have nothing but good intentions you can follow our blog and I will update it as if I was updating facebook.

Hope you all understand!

The Reeds


The Miller's Blog said...

Oh no, Kimberly. I hate that. I hope everything is okay. I still want to read your blog. My email is cmmiller04@yahoo.com

The Reed's Blog said...

Thanks Mandy! I added you! We are fine just dealing with a "hater"....haha!