Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mistakes of the day....

#1- I left my crackberry (blackberry) on the hood of Billy's car. It fell off in the middle of the road. Some jack a$$ took the cute zebra cover off, threw it in the middle of the road and took the phone. I'm not really that upset about loosing the phone, it can be replaced. I just don't have anyones telephone number bc they were all stored in my phone so please email your telephone numbers (home and cell) to

#2-We have a good friend who is just starting her photography business. We went to the park to take pictures. I was trying to pose raylee in a cute little pose by a tree but she wasn't having it. She was throwing a fit and little did I know that the pine straw I had sat her in had a fire ant bed in it. YES! She was ate up with ants...literally.....she has about 50 ant bites on her fat little legs. SO sad. I am traumatised. Any one know a social worker???? Call DHS! Maybe I need parenting classes. I guess I am out of the running for mother of the year?

That is about all of the excitement I can take for one day......

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