Monday, March 29, 2010

Potty Humor

I hope I am not violating any law or anything but these are just to cute not to share!

For the last couple of months Raylee has been really interested in what goes on in the bathroom so for Christmas Gamma & Grand-Bob got Raylee a potty chair! We took it out of the box and set it in sight so that when she got ready she could try it out. She has sat on it a couple of times for a second with her clothes on but nothing major. Tonight after dinner she stripped her clothes off, then her diaper and ran to the bathroom yelling...."poo poo." I waited a second and ran and got the camera and peeked around the corner and this is what I captured!

Uh....go away please!

Checking it out.... nothing was in there. Let's try this again.....uhhhhhhhh!

Looking a little disappointed......Still nothing!!!!!

Uhhhhh.....I asked you to GO AWAY!!!!!

After multiple attempts she did not use the bathroom in the potty! She ended up giving up and went and got her vacuum cleaner and vacuumed her room butt naked.

1 comment:

Shea Stringer Long said...

I can't wait to see more.
she is getting so big.