Friday, July 11, 2008

The end is near........

So, I have been on bed rest for a little over a week now and it has not gotten any easier. I never thought I would feel like this, but I really miss working. I miss my patients (well there are select few that I could live without ever seeing again) but I guess mostly I miss having adult interaction and to feel like I am doing something. The doctor and nurse practioner that I work with call me several times a week to fill me in on all the gossip and what has been going on but It isn't the same. In the beginning it was nice staying home and hanging out with the dogs but all they do is sleep all day. I find myself getting excited when I drop food or something on my shirt because I can wash it, now thats sad! We haven't ran the dishwasher in over a week now because I have been hand washing all of them. I guess you get the picture on how bored I am.

We have had a pretty rough week. We have been back in forth to the doctor all week and had to check into labor & delivery for several hours for observation Wednesday. My blood pressure has been up and down and all out of whack. I have been having bad headaches. End result....i have pregnancy induced hypertension that turns into toxemia when i am not doing what I am suppose to and staying on bed rest. I have not dilated any and the doctor scheduled a c-section for July 24th at 7:30 a.m.! I was going to have her at Woman's Hospital but due to the complications that I am having and other factors we are going to have her at the Suites at River Oaks. Until Wednesday, I was hoping to have her early. There was something about being in the labor & delivery room, hooked up to all those machines and being stuck with needles that cooled my jets and is making me appreciate the two weeks that we have left.

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