Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's cleaning Wednesday!!!

Ok, so I cant believe I am actually saying this but a couple of weeks ago we finally broke down and hired a lady to come clean our house. Billy & I refused to do this for a long time. We are only 30 years old and shouldn't have to pay someone to clean for us. After one frustrating weekend of cleaning all weekend and sitting down on Sunday night feeling no more rested than we did Friday night we decided that it was finally time to hire someone. Since we are 30 years old and are very capable of picking up after ourselves and doing some things around the house we decided to hire half a maid. She comes every other week and only does the "deep" cleaning such as base boards, tubs, windows....etc and we do everything else! It is much easier knowing that all we have to do is pick up after ourselves every night, wash our own dishes and clothes. I love walking in the house on Wednesdays after she has come, it feels so refreshing! Speaking of....she came today!!!!!!

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