Saturday, November 15, 2008

The last couple of weeks.....

It's been a while since I have posted. We haven't been up to much. Raylee had ANOTHER stomach virus last weekend that was HORRIBLE! She could not get a bottle of pedialyte down before it came out of the other end. I have never seen anything like it. She finally got over it about Tuesday and is doing much better. Her doctor switched her formula to soy so we are going to try that out and see if that helps her out. She finally got well and now I'm sick. I had a lot of the flu symptoms last night but I feel much better today so I guess it is just a cold. Here are the few pictures that I captured over the last couple of weeks.
Her 1st reaction to her jumperoo!

snuggling and napping after a long day at work and daycare!
Check out her Ugg boots!
She isn't jealous is she?
Going to town (Puckett) with daddy Saturday morning

She LOVES her jumperoo. She hasn't quiet figured out how to jump but she can turn herself around and play.

Modeling her 1st Halloween outfit
Her 1st time in the big girl tub! She was scared to death at first but it didn't take her long to figure out how to kick and splash!

1 comment:

Tate Family said...

Aww, those last two picture are my favorite!

Poor Raylee always seems sick. :( That was Wesley during his first year, too. I just kept telling myself that he was building up his immune system to prepare for perfect attendance in first grade. ;)