Sunday, November 23, 2008

There is hope!!!!!!

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

We are having a baby shower at work tomorrow and I volunteered to make the cake. I made my way through the river of tears and mixed it all up and put it in the oven. Well.......I left it in the oven to long and I burned it! Being that we live out in the middle of no where and dollar general and the gas stations close at 8:00 there was no hope of running to the store to get a new one. I called my mom up and luckily she had one. She told me she didn't know how old it was but I was welcome to it. So me and Delilah hopped in the car and headed over there. On the way over there I was talking to my brother on the phone sharing our tragic news. As I was telling him I was petting her near her spine/butt area and I felt something. They had given her a shot at the vet for pain so I thought it was just swollen so I kept rubbing it but it still didn't feel right. After a few seconds I slammed on brakes, remind you we do live in the country and not a busy road, stopped in the middle of the road and turned the interior lights on and looked down and I saw the BIGGEST tick I have ever seen in my life and you could tell it had been there a while. We have a lab and beagle that get them all the time but we have never found one on Delilah. We pulled it off and she has seemed to improve. She is still a little wobbly every no and then.

One of the questions that the vet asked us earlier was if we had found any ticks on her lately but we had not. I have no idea how we all missed this bc he was back there feeling around and checking all of her reflexes and I was holding her constantly petting her. Hopefully this is all it is but it still raises the question of what we saw on the x-ray. We are still going to take her to her regular vet in the morning just to make sure. Keep your fingers crossed!

Oh and for the record.....I brought the cake mix home and it was not good and had to be thrown away. I'm just going to go to Kroger in the morning a buy one.

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