Sunday, April 25, 2010


So today was supposed to be a great day that I was SO excited about, however, it did not turn out that way. Part of it was my fault for being mad and hard headed but mostly I was just hurt. Some people won't get that though. They will just think that I was acting like a "you know what."

I'm not going to go into details and "air out my dirty laundry" like some people do. I mainly am writing to say that I have had ENOUGH! I am SO tired of giving and giving and giving and getting ANYTHING in return but the shaft, for the record I'm not referring to material things.

When anyone else needs or wants something, most of the time if I am able, I am there to help them or get them whatever they need without them even having to ask. When I need or want something it's a different story.

Today was the straw that broke the camels back. NO MORE, NO MORE!

While driving around tonight trying to "gather my thoughts" and just spending some time alone I heard a song on the radio. A verse in the song stated, "all you can do is pray for them and leave the rest up to God." I keep repeating and repeating that verse in my head but it is so hard to do. The hurt is still there no matter how hard I try!

I just don't understand people, their line of thinking, and most of all how they can be so self centered and live with the way that they treat people. I'm sure I will never figure it out.

For the mean time, I am going to throw myself into God, my husband and my precious baby girl and push on!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Shea Stringer Long said...

girl, I totally understand how you feel. please know I love you and love our friendship. if you need anything just let me know. I'm there in a flash.
just push thru and know that there are some of us that do appreciate you.

Shannon Dozier said...

Hey Friend,
It breaks my heart that someone would act like that toward you, of all people. You are the most selfless person I know, and are always there if someone is in need. Always!
You have no idea how much it meant to Jim and I when we lost Elijah and Luke, and you and Billy came when no one else would. You brought dinner, listened to us, and was just there to offer a smile. Well, maybe you do know how much it meant... after all we did give Jackson his middle name in your honor! :-)
Anyway, just wanted to say how much we appreciate you.
Love you girl!

Linda said...

Kimberly - I know it feels to have friends/family hurt you - but you are handling it the right way - always take "the high road" and don't let anyone bring you down.

ayn reed said...

Hey Sweety, I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all you do. You are a great wife and Mommy and no one can take that from you. Life has a way of throwing us curves when we least expect it, you are the stronger. You are loved more than you will ever know and hope the hurt is better soon, God will be sure of that. Love ya bunches.