Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back on house arrest........

We had to take Raylee to the doctor today. She didn't have a very good night last night or a good day today. Since last Friday she has not been acting herself. She has been fussy and not wanting to eat very much. However she has gained weight and now weighs 9lbs 14oz. I figured that because I am not producing enough breast milk and she has been getting more formula than usual that the formula wasn't agreeing with her and it needed to be changed. The formula was not the only problem. Both of her ears are infected. I was shocked! Up until last weekend we have been so careful about taking her out. I guess this means that we are back on house arrest until she gets her shots September 3rd.

He ended up changing her formula to Enfamil Gentle Ease. She has only had one feeding so far with the new formula so we are not sure if it is helping or not. I feel so bad for her. She is so little and cant tell us what is wrong. All I want to do is hold her but I don't want to spoil her anymore than she already is.

1 comment:

Shea Stringer Long said...

give her a big kiss from me. i can't believe that she has ear infections. hopefully she will be better soon.