Monday, August 4, 2008

TAG....your it!

Shea tagged me and wants me to blog about 6 unimportant things about me.

1. I have never been able to grow my nails out until I got pregnant. I guess it's the prenatal vitamins???

2. I have recently become OCD about our house and keeping it clean. I can not stand clutter. This use to NEVER bother me.

3. I have a new fear that someone is going to break into our house and murder me and steal Raylee. I thought being away from Whitfield for a couple of months would help with my paranoia but obviously not!

4. I love to soak in a hot bath with the whirlpool jets on and read my US Weekly.

5. Over the past couple of months I have become a home body and have not gotten out much

6. My #1 goal to accomplish while on maternity leave is to get our office unpacked and in order. It has only been a year since we have moved.....ha!

I tag Keith Ann

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