Monday, August 4, 2008

Tired and Frustrated

Today was a very tiring and trying day. I wouldn't really go as far as to say that Raylee was bad today, she was just a little difficult. I'm not sure what the deal was. She wouldn't really eat a whole lot which means that she didn't stay a sleep for long periods of time. She was up and down, up and down most of the day. She stayed a wake a while this afternoon just looking around, but she wanted to be held when she was awake. I feel terrible sometimes like I am neglecting her because I try not to hold her a whole lot, especially when she is sleeping, because I don't want her to get use to it and never want to be put down. After wrestling with her all day Billy calls at 4:30 to say that he was on his way home. I was so excited because he could help me with her. He gets home about 5:30 or so and he isn't home 10 minutes and she wakes up. He changes her and feeds her. Of course for him she drinks her whole bottle and goes straight to sleep. It is 8:00 and she is still a sleep. Go figure. I hope our day today isnt a sign of what our night will be like tonight!

The only productive thing that I did today was wash her bottles and order her birth announcements. They are so cute and I am so excited to get them. They should be here by Monday! I love her to death and I am going to cry my eyes out when I have to leave her but I could never be a stay at home mom. I just don't have it in me! I am so ready to go back to work so that we can get in a daily routine and get on with our lives. I am a planner. I like to know how things are going to go and like to be in control of the situation........which is not happening at this point!

1 comment:

Shea Stringer Long said...

ok we need some pics. you know she is going to be a daddy's girl. always being good for him. can't wait to see her announcements.