Saturday, August 9, 2008

What we have been up to lately....

Going to 1st Valentines party at school
Madison & Raylee
These are the Valentines that I made for Raylee's classmates. You know me, I like to be different and creative.
The front of the card
Her 1st Valentines day. Mommy and Daddy gave her a huge, soft lady bug and a monkey balloon.
This is her reaction. She loved her lady bug and gave it many sugars!

This is an old pic of when she was just starting to sit up on her own

Our little Princess

Saturday me, mom and Raylee ventured out to Sam's to pick up a few things. We let Raylee ride in the seat of the buggy for the first time. she thought she was SO big. She loved it! She just looked around like she was in a whole new world and she hung on to the buggy for dear life. It was so funny!
We walked by this older man and she got her feelings so hurt bc he looked at her and didn't say anything to her or pay her any attention. She thinks that everyone that passes by her should say something to her...ha!

Daddy built her a swing this weekend so we sat outside and watched him. She loves to be outside!

Even the pollen is getting to Delilah....her eyes are all swollen from walking around sniffing the spring air
So pretty in red. Mrs. Frances, who owns her daycare, says that red is her color. I think she's right!
She looks so grown up here. Check out her keds...too cute!

She has so much fun in the bath tub

This is a cake that I made for a baby shower at work. It didn't turn out the way I had hope. It is supposed to be a shadow of a pregnant person...hopefully it will taste better than it looks!

Gosh, so much has happened with her and she has started so many new things since the last time I posted. She is sitting up all by herself now, and has been for a while. She has said her first word which was mama. at the time we didn't think that she knew what she was saying but last night Billy was holding her in the recliner and I was in the kitchen cooking and she looked up at me and said...mama and then later I had her in the recliner while Billy was in the kitchen and she said dada. Tonight when Billy got home from work and she looked up and saw him she said...dada so we are thinking that she really associates us with those names and is not just rambling.
She is up on her hands and knees but has not actually crawled yet. she is a very lazy child. she is holding her bottle sometimes, most of the time when you want her to she wont. She is drinking out of a sippie cup but really likes the bottle better. We have had to lower her mattress because in the morning we would go in there and she was looking over the crib rail at us. She hates to sit down and wants to be standing all the time now.
She is eating from the table some. She has started meats and still eats fruits and veggies. Saturday night we were printing signs and my dad was eating some Vienna sausages...gag....and she wanted a bite so bad but they were they spicy kind so she couldn't. He made me stop working and go up to the house and get her some regular kind so that he wouldn't have to eat in front of her and not give her any. When I brought them back my mom took them and he said...."I want to be the one to give her her 1st Vienna sausage" we thought that was so funny! She ate a whole on and probably would have eaten more but we wouldn't let her. She doesn't not have any teeth but that doesn't stop her from wanting you you have. Her teacher told me that they can no longer hold her while they eat bc she took her grilled cheese one day and started eating it....ha!
We cant believe how big she has gotten and how time has flown. It doesn't seem like she is a baby anymore.

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