Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Over the past week Raylee has experienced several "Firsts".....
I left her for the first time. She stayed with Gamma & Mamaw Riser.
Her first visit with her great uncle Doug (on the right)
The first time she took a nap/slept in her bed
Cousin Madison got to feed her for the first time
The first time she wore blue jeans & the first time Aunt Lindsey & Uncle Michael watched her. I was not brave enough to tackel wal-mart alone with her yet....ha!
Her first tummy time.....which she is NOT a fan of!

This is just a snap shot of what we have been up to the past week. Tomorrow we are going to get her newborn pictures taken and if she is in a good mood hopefully we can take a family portrait. This weekend she will have her first big outing. Her cousin Louis is turning 3 and we are going to go to his birthday party at Pump It Up on Saturday. We are SO excited and can not wait! I have made his cake for his past two birthday parties and they have turned out pretty good. I am nervous about this years cake bc with the other two I have had a pan/mold to guide me. This year the theme is dump trucks and we could not find a mold. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Shea Stringer Long said...

poor raylee is holding on for dear life during that tummy time. you can tell she isn't a fan. too cute. i need to come visit.