Thursday, September 25, 2008

Eat, Sleep, Eat, Cry & Eat Again......

Yeah.....It was just a fluke. Raylee hasn't slept through the night since Sunday night. We are unsure if she is better. She has been sleeping a lot and when she is awake she is eating or screaming. She went from eating 4-5oz to 7-8oz at each feeding. If she keeps this up we are going to need to take out a loan to feed be able to afford to feed her. We have noticed that once her ear drops for pain and tylenol wear off she is a holy terror and screams like someone is murdering her. She has also reverted back to her old ways and is waking up twice in the middle of night to eat. I think she wants to be an only child.....

Blowing Bubbles
Chilling before going to school
Deer in the head lights look
She is a happy baby in the mornings

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