Monday, September 22, 2008

Now they understand.....

Sorry I didn't post much last week and this weekend. We didn't have the best week. Raylee started getting sick again Wednesday afternoon. We ended up taking her to the after hours clinic Thursday night and found out that she has another upper respiratory infection and thought that she may be getting the stomach virus that has been going around at daycare. Friday morning we decided that it would be better not to send her to daycare and Billy stayed home with her. Now he understands why some days when he came home from work while I was on maternity leave I was still in my gown and nothing had been done around the house. Around 10:00 he calls me at work to tell me that he basically had to hose the recliner out and change his clothes because she puked everywhere. I was surprised at how calm he was. At this point we realize that it is the stomach virus and start praying that we don't get it. I have to say that Billy was a trooper and made it through the day and never once complained.

OK....I'm gonna spare the details but I must say that I have heard of/seen projectile vomiting but have never heard/seen projectile diarrhea......and I may have made that term up but Friday night I was changing her diaper and checking her temperature rectally (yes I know now that was not the best choice given the state she was in) and lets just say I got a nice surprise and was shocked at this new experience. We had to clean the door off and shampoo the carpet. It went EVERYWHERE!!!! No notice at all!

To top it off it was my weekend to work, as if we didn't have enough going on. Since Billy was tied down with Raylee all day Friday Lindsey kept her while I worked on Saturday. She was so good, slept all day and didn't cry. Well lets just say she came alive about 6:30 Saturday night. Billy had planned on going to a bachelor party so I went to my parents and spent the night, there is no way I could have handled her on my own. I think my parents finally believe that the child does cry and I'm not telling tales on her. Several times I have taken her to my parents house for a few hours so I can get somethings done around the house without being interrupted. This last time my dad tells can come see us any time, you don't have to blame it on that baby being bad and crying. Now they understand.....

Sunday wasn't much better. I dropped her off at Lindsey's house on the way to work so Billy could sleep in since he was out so late. She called me about 10:00 (what is it about her being sick and 10:00....I see a pattern developing) and said that she had been crying uncontrollably for 30 minutes. Billy ended up going to get her and we took her back to the doctor Sunday evening and her ears are infected AGAIN. Hopefully she didn't scare Lindsey to bad and she will still be willing to keep her next weekend when we go to the wedding.

On a positive note she did sleep all the way through the night last night! Hopefully this was not a fluke and we will see more of it, especially since I have to work 12 days straight! These are the few picks that we took this weekend.

Our little Bulldog!
Hanging out with the Hickman Clan on Saturday
Sweet Girl!
Mommy's Little Flower
Ready to go to school!
Hopefully we will be able to take more pictures this week. Raylee is going to her 1st family reunion on Sunday and meet a lot of family that she hasn't met yet. I can't wait to show her off!

1 comment:

Shea Stringer Long said...

ok the projectile anything is just gross. ha ha
hopefully she is getting better.

that last pic of her ready for school is so funny. she just looks so mad to be awake.

too cute.