Monday, September 8, 2008

Tears, Tears and more Tears

Today was Raylee's first day of school and my first day back to work. I just thought I cried a lot and was upset when I left Delilah at my parents when we left for Italy. I thought that was the worse day of my life and it couldn't get any worse....I was wrong! After crying just about all day Sunday and all morning this morning we had a pretty good day. Her teacher probably thinks I have lost my mind. I came in the building crying and left on the verge of a nervous break down. However, for some reason It got easier the closer I got to work. When I got to work Linda met me at the door to express how glad everyone was to see me and I was glad to see them. It just reassured me that I made the right decision to return to work. Surprisingly the day went by really, really fast. I just knew it was going to drag by but there was lots to do and lots of catching up to do! They had some mercy on me and didn't overwhelm me to much. I think they were afraid of running me off for good...ha! Some how I was able to keep it together to show my book of pictures to my co-workers without loosing it. At the end of the day it seemed like it took FOREVER to get from work back to the daycare. I was SO ready to get there and pick her up and just love all over her. Once I finally made it to the daycare I did just that. She ended up having a really good day. Here are some pics from this morning.

All dressed and ready to go
Daddy & Me on my first day of school
Yes.....I was crying all night and all morning!
I hope tomorrow goes as well as today!

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